Samenbomben. Die Sensation under den grünen Werbemitteln.


Clay balls filled with seeds

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Artikel-Nr.: 05-0010 Kategorien ,


Blooming “seed bombs” for more color in the city. Guerrilla gardening made easy – with seed bombs. Seed bombs are ready-to-plant clay balls filled with seeds – the new sensation among green advertising materials. The use is simple and possible for everyone, supports the environment and beautifies the cityscape. All you need is your own energy and a piece of earth that needs to be beautified. It’s that easy: 1.) Choose a place that needs to be beautified 2.) Distribute seed bombs on and into the ground 3.) Wait for the rain, do a rain dance or simply use your own watering can 4.) Look at the results, enjoy yourself and actively shape the cityscape.

Advertising: We offer a wide variety of flower seeds and packaging options for the seed bombs. Whether sunflower in a block bottom bag, cornflower in a folding box or mallow in a simple cellophane bag… there are (almost) no limits to your wishes.

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